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Board Review & Certification Resources

Surgery Examinations

General Surgery in BoardVitals

BoardVitals is an online exam review tool that gives you access to more than 1050 General Surgery practice questions with detailed explanations for correct and incorrect responses. The Board Vitals' Surgery question banks provide content applicable to the American Board of Surgery (ABS) General Surgery Qualifying Examination and the ABS General Surgery MOC exam. Follow these instructions to set-up your account and start reviewing!


  1. The first time logging in, go to to begin registering for an account.
  2. You must use your HFHS email address to create the account! This is how they know you're part of our subscription. (Your password can be anything you wish.) 
  3. You'll receive an email to verify your account. Click the verification link in the email, then log into BoardVitals with the credentials you just created. 

Using the Surgery Question Banks

  1. When you login go to your Dashboard, click the Question Bank dropdown in the top toolbar to see the subjects available to HFHS users.
  2. The available Surgery exams include:
  • Surgery
  • Surgery MOC
  1. Choose to customize your own quiz or take a Quick Quiz.

AccessSurgery Study Tools

Surgery Review Books at Sladen