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Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Toolkit

Tools and Resources

Publishing an Article

Who is an author?

Some journals now ask for and publish information about the contributions of each person named in a submitted manuscript. Authorship is based on a criteria of who contributed to a project and the manuscript. Read these recommendations before deciding on who to include as an author and in what order authors should be listed: ICMJE - Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors

Need help finding the right journal to publish your article in? The following resources can help in determining what journal to publish in and finding a journal that matches the purpose of your manuscript.

Consider a journal's impact factor, but do so cautiously. An impact factor is a measure of how often an article in a given journal has been cited in a given year. Knowing a journal's impact factor can influence journal choice for manuscript submission. Only journals indexed in the Web of Science database have impact factors, (the Web of Science is a scientific citation indexing service). Don't be turned off from "the right" journal just because it doesn't have an impact factor, only a small number of nursing journals do. The librarian can help with locating a journal's impact factor or determining if a journal is credible. 

Poster Presentation



Make a plan for dissemination that includes recommendations for future practice

Include internal and external dissemination opportunities:

  • OneHENRY Intranet
  • HFH Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Council 
  • Local and national conferences
Prepare manuscript for publication -- match the manuscript to right journal
Check the impact factor of nursing journals to evaluate the number of citations from that journal in a given year

Points to Ponder

  • Nurse Researchers at the HFH Center for Nursing Research (CNRE),clinical nurse specialists and unit educators can assist with dissemination plans