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Below are select citations pertaining to reference management software. Highlighted citations are available for free via PubMed Central.
Gomis M, Gall C, Brahmi FA (2008). Web-Based Citation Management Compared to EndNote: Options for Medical Sciences. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 27(3): 260-271.
Hendrix I (2004) RefWorks. J Med Libr Assoc, 92(1): 111–113.
Hensley MK (2011). Citation management software: features and futures. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 50(3): 204-208.
Hicks A (2011). Review of Colwiz. Collaborative Librarianship, 3(3): 183-185.
Mani NS (2007) EndNote X. J Med Libr Assoc, 95(1): 98–100.
Mead TL, Berryman DR (2010) Reference and PDF-manager software: complexities, support and workflow. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 29(4): 388-393.
Zhang Y (2012) Comparison of select reference management tools. Med Ref Serv Q, 31(1):45-60.