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Human Trafficking: Michigan - LARA

Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Human Trafficking Training Requirements

Human Trafficking training is a one-time training requirement. Nurses are not required to repeat this training with each subsequent license renewal period. 

New requirements of the Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA) requires one-time training on identifying victims of human trafficking. Continuing education (CE) credits on human trafficking are not required for nurses, however, it is a training requirement that can be met in a number of ways (see Administrative Rule 338.10105):

R 338.10105 Training standards for identifying victims of human trafficking; requirements.

Rule 105. (1) Under section 16148 of the code, MCL 333.16148, the individual who is licensed or seeking licensure shall have completed training in identifying victims of human trafficking that meets the following standards:  

(a) Training content must cover all of the following:  

(i) Understanding the types and venues of human trafficking in this state or the United  States.  

(ii) Identifying victims of human trafficking in healthcare settings.  

(iii) Identifying the warning signs of human trafficking in healthcare settings for adults  and minors.  

(iv) Identifying resources for reporting the suspected victims of human trafficking.  

(b) Acceptable providers or methods of training include any of the following:  

(i) Training offered by a nationally recognized or state-recognized health-related  organization.  

(ii) Training offered by, or in conjunction with, a state or federal agency.  

(iii) Training obtained in an educational program that has been approved by the board  for initial licensure, or by a college or university.  

(iv) Reading an article related to the identification of victims of human trafficking that  meets the requirements of subdivision (a) of this subrule and is published in a peer-review journal, healthcare journal, or professional or scientific journal.  

(c) Acceptable modalities of training include any of the following:  

(i) Teleconference or webinar.  

(ii) Online presentation.  

(iii) Live presentation.  

(iv) Printed or electronic media.

2) The department may select and audit an individual and request documentation of proof of completion of training. If audited by the department, the individual shall  provide acceptable proof of completion of training, including either of the following:  

(a) Proof of completion certificate issued by the training provider that includes the date, provider name, name of training, and individual’s name.  

(b) A self-certification statement by the individual. The certification statement must include the individual’s name and either of the following:  

(i) For training completed under subrule (1)(b)(i) to (iii) of this rule, the date, training provider name, and name of training.

(ii) For training completed under subrule (1)(b)(iv) of this rule, the title of article, author, publication name of peer-review journal, healthcare journal, or professional or scientific journal, and the date, volume, and issue of publication, as applicable.  

History: 2017 AACS; 2020 AACS.; 2024 MR 9, Eff. May 8, 2024. 


For Nurses - numbers 12 and 13 of the LARA, Bureau of Professional Licensing "Nursing FAQs" document revised 06/2024 states the following:


Read the complete Nursing FAQ document.

12. There have been changes to the Public Health Code and Administrative Rules that require licensees and individuals seeking licensure to complete human trafficking training. When does this take effect?

Beginning with the March 31, 2018 renewal cycle and all renewal cycles thereafter, licensees must have completed training in identifying victims of human trafficking that meet the standards established in Administrative Rule 338.10105.

Beginning January 6, 2022, individuals seeking initial licensure in Michigan must have completed Human Trafficking Training prior to obtaining a nursing license.

The Human Trafficking Training is a one-time training and is not part of the continuing education requirement but may be satisfied via a continuing education activity. The Board conducts a random audit after each renewal period. At that time, a percentage of all licensees renewing will be randomly selected and notified by mail that they must submit evidence of having obtained their human trafficking training. If you are selected in an audit, then you will be required to submit a copy of your human trafficking training documentation. (Please retain your original.)

13. Does my training on Identifying Victims of Human Trafficking count towards my CE hours?

No. This is a separate requirement from your CE requirement.