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Henry Ford Hospital Nursing Research Toolkit

This toolkit is a guide for investigators who are interested in planning, implementing, evaluating, and disseminating nursing research projects. Each of the grey tabs represents a page that can be printed.

Address Ethical Issues and Complete Training Requirements

Research that involves human subjects requires a protocol review by the Henry Ford Health Institutional Review Board (IRB) to insure protection of research participants. The general steps are below: 

  • Complete the CITI training course if principal investigator (PI) has not previously completed it
  • If previous course completion date is over 2-years old, a refresher course is required
  • For information on registering for CITI training, go to Training Requirements for Key Personnel on the Research Administration page 
  • Recommended CITI program courses: 
    1. Basic/Refresher Course - Human Subjects Research (Curriculum Group); Biomedical Research Investigators and Key Personnel (Course Learner Group); Basic Course 
    2. Conflict of interest mini-course (Curriculum Group); Conflict of Interest Training in the 2011 Final Rule and Revised PHS Regulations (Course Learner Group); Stage 1 
  • Complete IRB application form - New protocol submission form

If you need assistance with the IRB application process, contact a nurse scholar at the Center for Nursing Research and EBP:

Cathy Draus