Looking for a book? Search the library catalog to check availability.
Books are loaned out for 3 weeks and may be renewed twice if there is not a hold on the title.
Sladen databases and electronic resources are available for Henry Ford Health team members and affiliated students.
• If you are using a computer at a Henry Ford Health facility or on the Henry Ford Health network, you will not need an ID and password to access online resources.
• For access from home or off-network, you will be prompted to login to remote access.
• Most users can login to the library remotely using their Henry Ford Health Corp ID and password (it's the same as your Henry Ford Health Outlook ID and password). Contact the Sladen Library if you do not have a Henry Ford Health Corp ID and password.
Please visit our web page Sladen Remote Access for further information.
If you have a book you would like to recommend for the Sladen Library collection, please fill out the Book Suggestion Form.
Here is a sample of books available in the field of Nephrology. For a full listing, please go to the Sladen Catalog.