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Behavioral Health Resources: Books

A collection of Sladen Library resources on the subject of Behavioral Health.

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Top Behavioral Health Services/Psychiatry eBooks at Sladen - Click Book Cover to Read

Behavioral Emergencies for Healthcare Providers

This fully updated second edition focuses on mental illness, both globally and in terms of specific mental-health-related visits encountered in emergency department settings, and provides practical input from physicians experienced with adult emergency psychiatric patients.

Black Mental Health

Novel in its approach and unique in its scope, Black Mental Health: Patients, Providers, and Systems examines the role of African Americans within American psychiatric health care from distinct but interconnected perspectives. The experiences of both black patients and the black mental health professionals who serve them are analyzed against the backdrop of the cultural, societal, and professional forces that have shaped their place in this specialized health care arena.

Culture, Heritage, and Diversity in Older Adult Mental Health Care

Health care organizations are beginning to recognize the importance of cultural competence as it relates to efficiency, quality, and equity in the delivery of care within a competitive health care market, and Culture, Heritage, and Diversity in Older Adult Mental Health Care is designed to train mental health clinicians to deliver culturally sensitive care to an increasingly diverse patient population. Today's mental health practitioners require knowledge, sensitivity, and an understanding of institutionalized practices and systems that undermine their patients' health and well-being.

DSM-5® Clinical Cases

DSM-5; Clinical Cases presents patient cases that exemplify the mental disorders categorized in the newly released DSM-5, bringing DSM-5 alive for teachers and students of psychiatry, psychology, social work, nursing, and related mental health and healthcare fields. Cases are cross-referenced with DSM-5; and help the reader understand diagnostic concepts, including symptoms, severity, comorbidities, age of onset and development, dimensionality across disorders, and gender and cultural implications.

DSM-5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis

The DSM-5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis is the preeminent guide to differential diagnosis for both clinicians and students learning psychiatric diagnosis. Based closely on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, it offers a rich selection of perspectives in an easy-to-use format. The handbook offers an assortment of approaches to differential diagnosis, and a number of features designed to benefit clinicians in the exam room.

Hallucinations in Psychoses and Affective Disorders

This book presents state of the art knowledge on the psychopathology, clinical symptomatology, biology, and treatment of hallucinations in patients with psychoses and affective disorders. The book will be of wide interest to psychiatrists and clinical psychologists.

Handbook of ECT

The Handbook of ECT covers all aspects of contemporary electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) practice. This concise yet informed text provides medical practitioners with both the theoretical background and practical knowledge to guide them in the practice of ECT. Topics covered include research on mechanisms of action, patient selection by diagnosis, pre-procedural medical and laboratory evaluation, patient preparation in the ECT suite, stimulus dosing strategies, ECT anesthesia, clinical decision making and continuation/maintenance treatment strategies.

Integrated Care

The goals of Integrated Care: Working at the Interface of Primary Care and Behavioral Health are to educate psychiatrists about the fundamental shift underway in health care and to prepare them to be successful and effective in the new health care arena. The passage and implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act presents an opportunity for newly insured patients and for funding models of integrated care, enabling psychiatrists to have a more significant population-level impact.

Kaplan and Sadock's Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry

Succinct, authoritative, and affordable, Kaplan & Sadock's Concise Textbook of Psychiatry, 5th Edition, provides must-know information in clinical psychiatry from the names you trust. From cover to cover, it contains the most relevant clinical material from the bestselling Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry, 12th Edition, including the foundational chapters on assessment, the disorder specific chapters, and all of the treatment-specific chapters among other essential topics such as emergency psychiatry, ethics, and palliative/end-of-life care. New editors Robert Boland and Marcia L. Verduin, along with consulting editor Pedro Ruiz, have updated all content with a focus on reformatting and summarizing for faster access to key information.

Kaplan & Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry

The new and thoroughly updated 11th edition of Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry is a complete overview of the entire field of psychiatry for clinicians, residents, students, and all others who provide mental health care. The 11th edition integrates all the DSM-5 criteria and provides a detailed and comprehensive overview of treatment methods for every known mental disorder.

Management of Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a public health issue of worldwide proportions. Management of Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury provides evidence-informed guidance on the core topics in brain injury medicine, including the epidemiology and pathophysiology of TBI, the medical evaluation and neuropsychological assessment of persons with TBI, and the common disturbances for which persons with TBI and their families seek clinical care.

Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology

Standard of care in psychiatry requires that practitioners stay current on new agents, interactions, side effects, and dosing guidelines -- a daunting task for the modern clinician grappling with today's challenging medical environment. The Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology has been the psychiatrist's trusted companion for nearly three decades, and this new, eighth edition delivers the cutting-edge information clinicians need in a down-to-earth style, facilitating the integration of biological and psychopharmacological information into practice.

Mental Health Intervention and Treatment of First Responders and Emergency Workers

Mental Health Intervention and Treatment of First Responders and Emergency Workers is an essential reference source that focuses on the latest research for diagnosing and treating mental health issues experienced by emergency personnel and seeks to generate awareness and inform clinicians about the unique circumstances encountered by these professionals.

Mind, Mood, and Memory

A unique resource for all health care practitioners caring for people with multiple sclerosis. Endorsed by The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers Multiple sclerosis (MS), a progressive neurologic disease, is characterized by a host of physical symptoms. But the neurobehavioral consequences of MS can be as devastating and debilitating as physical symptoms, and they are often unreported and undertreated. In this new book, Dr. Anthony Feinstein, a neuropsychiatrist, documents the effects of MS on cognition, information processing speed, learning and memory, executive function, personality, mood, and behavior.

Pediatric Psychopharmacology for Primary Care

Completely updated and revised, the second edition provides primary care physicians with practice-tested, condition-specific treatment recommendations for various childhood mental disorders. Obtain clear guidance on dosing, monitoring, and potential adverse reactions of psychotropic medications for treatment of common psychiatric disorders and mental health or behavioral problems in children and adolescents. This simple, systematic approach defines discrete levels of psychotropics and spells out group-specific roles and responsibilities in accord with AAP policies.

Positive Psychiatry

Long overdue, Positive Psychiatry provides a rigorous and clinically useful guide to the growing body of research that strongly suggests that positive psychosocial factors such as resilience, optimism, and social engagement are associated with better outcomes, including lower morbidity, greater longevity, and a heightened sense of patient well-being.

Psychiatry of Pandemics

This book focuses on how to formulate a mental health response with respect to the unique elements of pandemic outbreaks. Unlike other disaster psychiatry books that isolate aspects of an emergency, this book unifies the clinical aspects of disaster and psychosomatic psychiatry with infectious disease responses at the various levels, making it an excellent resource for tackling each stage of a crisis quickly and thoroughly.

Psychological Approaches to Cancer Care

A comprehensive, evidence-based guide to the role of psychology in cancer care. Multidisciplinary authors provide a holistic overview. Details the key principles and models of cancer-related distress. Guides through assessment and treatment. Illustrated with case studies. Printable tools for clinical use. Psychosocial oncology is a health psychology specialty that focuses on the psychological, behavioral, emotional, and social challenges faced by patients with cancer and their loved ones. Cancer can cause significant distress, and psychosocial interventions are known to be effective for helping patients and families navigate the many issues that can arise at any stage of the cancer continuum. This volume provides psychologists, physicians, social workers, and other health care providers with practical and evidence-based guidance on the delivery of psychological interventions to patients with cancer.

Sims' Symptoms in the Mind: Textbook of Descriptive Psychopathology

Psychopathology - the study of abnormal mental states - is a foundational discipline of psychiatry that is formidable to master. Since 1988, Sims' Symptoms in the Mind has been the leading introductory textbook in this area and provides the conceptual backbone needed by every psychiatrist in training. It defines and explains the main symptoms and syndromes of mental illness encountered in clinical practice. Now in its seventh edition, the text has been fully revised and updated by renowned psychiatry professor Femi Oyebode. It provides a masterful introduction to this difficult area that will challenge the reader intellectually, while at the same time supporting his or her learning. With a combination of accessible text and audiovisual materials in the online ebook, this is the standard postgraduate text for psychiatric trainees as well as a valued reference for academics, clinical psychiatrists and psychologists, allied health professionals, and researchers.

The Stigma of Mental Illness

People with mental illness are often painfully familiar with overt prejudice or more subtle forms of mistreatment. The stigma and discrimination associated with their disorders can have effects in several areas of life: in social interactions, in work and healthcare settings, in the legal system and the media. Many withdraw due to shame and do not seek help. In turn, stigma can prove to be a more serious problem than the disorder itself. Yet too little is done to reduce stigma and its impact. The Stigma of Mental Illness: Strategies Against Discrimination and Social Exclusion offers up the knowledge necessary to understand and fight against stigma and discrimination. It will be invaluable to all health professionals, social workers, healthcare managers and policy makers with an involvement or interest in mental illness.

Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury

As soldiers and combat veterans have returned from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been identified as the "signature injury" of those wars. This new edition of Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury has been thoroughly revised to reflect the exponential expansion of research and clinical data amassed in the intervening years. Each chapter was written and reviewed by the foremost authorities in neuropsychiatry, neurology, rehabilitation medicine, and the other specialties who assess, diagnose, and treat these patients.

Varcarolis' Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

Gain the essential knowledge and skills you need to succeed as a psychiatric nurse! Varcarolis' Essentials of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: A Communication Approach to Evidence Based Care, 5th Edition provides a concise, easy-to-understand guide to today's leading psychiatric theories and therapeutic modalities. Emphasizing evidence-based care, the book balances coverage of scientifically based treatment approaches with insights into effective communication skills, so you will be prepared to offer the best possible care when you enter practice. Written by nursing expert Chyllia D. Fosbre, this edition adds new Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) examination-style case studies to help you develop critical thinking skills and prepare for the NGN exam.

Top Behavioral Health Services/Psychiatry Print Books at Sladen

Blueprints Psychiatry

Concise and focused on high-yield content, this 6th Edition of Blueprints Psychiatry makes it easy for busy clerkship students to prep for shelf exams and the USMLE during moments of calm between busy hospital and clinical responsibilities. Now completely aligned with DSM-5, the Sixth Edition features a new full-color design, new images, and new case vignettes in every chapter.

Call number: WM 18.2 M978 2019

Case Files: Psychiatry

The Case Files series is an award-winning learning system proven to improve shelf-exam scores and clerkship performance. Unlike other books on the market, this series helps students learn in the context of real patients instead of simply memorizing. Case Files Psychiatry teaches students how to improve their diagnostic and problem-solving skills as they work through sixty high-yield clinical cases. The fifth edition has been updated to include a new Case Correlations feature which highlights differential diagnosis and related cases in the book, and NEW CASES highlighting DSM-V diagnostic entities.

Call number: WB 18.2 T756P 2021

Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

A 2017 AJN Book of the Year Award winner, Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A Communication Approach to Evidence Based Care, 4th Edition, offers the perfect balance of essential nursing interventions and clinical content. It incorporates a reader-friendly style, and an emphasis on therapeutic communication and evidence-based practice. Perfect for shorter psychiatric nursing courses, this streamlined psychiatric text includes need to know information and key DSM-5 content you need to pass your course and prepare for the NCLEX®.

Call number: WY 160 V278 2021

Kaplan and Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry

The cornerstone text in the field for 50 years, Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry has consistently kept pace with the rapid growth of research and knowledge in neural science, as well as biological and psychological science. This two-volume Tenth Edition remains the gold standard of reference for all those who work with the mentally ill, including psychiatrists and other physicians, psychologists, psychiatric social workers, psychiatric nurses, and other mental health professionals.

Call number: WM 100 K173 2017

Lange Q&A Psychiatry

The most thorough psychiatry review available for the USMLE Step 2 CK and psychiatry clerkship exam - completely updated to reflect the DSM-5 Covering all of the clerkship's core competencies, LANGE Q&A Psychiatry delivers more than 800 exam-style questions and answers with concise but comprehensive explanations of correct and incorrect answer options.

Call number: WM 18.2 B649 2017

The Psychiatric Interview

Now DSM-5 updated! Using a unique and effective combination of mnemonics, practical techniques, and phrasing examples that illustrate the nuances of the interviewing process, The Psychiatric Interview, 4th Edition helps you establish a rapport with patients and gain valuable clinical insights. Now updated to incorporate the DSM-5 and current research, this popular manual teaches you how to improve your interviewing skills, breaking down this complex area into concise information you can put to use immediately in your practice.

Call number: WM 34 C278 2017

Psychiatry PreTest Self-Assessment and Review, 15th Edition

Psychiatry: PreTest is the perfect way to assess your knowledge for the psychiatry shelf exam and the USMLE Step 2 CK exam. You'll find hundreds of Board questions and answers that address the clerkship's core competencies, along with detailed explanations of both correct and incorrect answers. All questions have been reviewed by students who completed their clerkships and passed the USMLE Step 2 CK exam--and know what it takes to succeed. Hundreds of practice questions and answers, reflecting the content you'll see on your exams.

Call number: WM 18.2 K63 2021

Psychiatry Test Preparation and Review Manual

Covering every area of the ABPN board exam, the 3rd Edition of Psychiatry Test Preparation and Review Manual, by Drs. J. Clive Spiegel and John M. Kenny, includes 1,100 questions, video vignettes, and an online timed assessment to prepare you for certification or recertification success. You'll know exactly what to expect when exam day arrives, thanks to current coverage of the latest research in both psychiatry and neurology, as well as a format that precisely mimics all aspects of the written exam.

Call number: WM 18.2 SP755 2017

Schizophrenia and Related Disorders

Psychotic disorders are common and important psychiatric conditions, and patients suffering from psychosis can be challenging to assess and manage. In this new pocket-sized monograph, experts in schizophrenia and related psychoses review the current state of science in this area, and provide a practical and readable overview of the how to diagnose and treat individuals presenting with these disorders.

Call number: WM 203 M321 2017