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Updated Catalog for HFHS Libraries

by Joe Escribano on 2021-11-22T12:00:00-05:00 in Henry Ford Macomb Library, Henry Ford Wyandotte Library, Sladen Services | 0 Comments

The Sladen Library has upgraded its library catalog software. The new catalog, called Enterprise, has many exciting features the previous version did not:

  • Personal library user accounts are now accessible
    • Checked out material can be listed and renewed online
    • Materials can be placed on hold
    • Personalized lists can be saved/maintained
  • Text This to Me is now available

Personalized access is available if you have previously checked out books through any of the HFHS Libraries and your library record is current. In general, your HFHS ID badge barcode is your online catalog account Username. Because we did not previously grant password access to our catalog, these were usually inactive. However, if your barcode and email address are current in our records, you can use the Forgot my PIN link to reset it.


Figure 1: HFHS badge barcode/library catalog password here


If you don’t have a current library record and/or it did not recognize your Username, you can fill out the Sladen Library Registration Form and we can create or update your library record. Please note, this Username/Password combination is only for the online catalog. Continue to use your HFHS CORP ID/password when accessing Sladen Library Electronic Resources remotely or ILLiad.


Figure 2: HFHS CORP ID/password here


Text This To Me sends an item’s title and call number to your phone so you can have the information with you when checking the shelves.

All HFHS Libraries share the online catalog system: HFH Sladen Library, HF Allegiance Health Library, HF Macomb Hospital Library, HF Wyandotte Hospital Library, and the Conrad R. Lam Archives. Catalog material can be restricted to a specific library or electronic access.

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